Construction news ....

Boyle’s nominated for ‘Contractor of the Year’ award

Letterkenny-based company, Boyle Construction, have been shortlisted for a major industry award. They have been shortlisted in the category ‘Contractor of the Year’ at the forthcoming Irish Construction Industry Awards. The winning announcement will be at the awards ceremony set to take place in November at the Dublin Convention Centre. Back in June the firm received their Irish Construction Excellence Award winning certificate for Healthcare Project of the Year for their work on the South Donegal Community Nursing Unit Project in Ballyshannon. Speaking of this latest nomination a company spokesperson stated: “We are thrilled to have been shortlisted for the prestigious Irish Construction Industry Awards in the Category ‘Contractor of the Year’. Our commitment to craftsmanship and client satisfaction has now been recognized on a national scale, further highlighting Donegal’s growing prominence in the industry. This nomination is a collective achievement for the entire team and a reflection of their continuous pursuit of high standards. We eagerly anticipate the awards ceremony and the opportunity to celebrate alongside other industry leaders.” The company is undertaking a number of major local projects at present including the construction of the new Little Angels School and Community Nursing Unit, both in Letterkenny.