Tribune Comment

Horror in the House of Religious Orders

The scoping enquiry chaired by Senior Council Mary O’Toole reveals a litany of the most heinous crimes of sexual abuses that have been covered up for seventy years in schools run by religious orders. Limp words for victims from the Church is whistling past the graveyard because why would someone damaged at the hands of the Church ever trust this institution ever again? Of course every school and institution, religious or otherwise should all have been investigated. Many of the victims are now dead because of the timeline of abuse. But what went on a hundred years ago. These criminal activities did not suddenly drop down out of the sky and for leading clergy to pass off this damage as the work of few rogue priests must be rejected in the name of truth and justice. Last Thursday the ‘RTE Liveline’ story with a woman who’d worked in a special needs setting run by the nuns was heartbreaking and revolting. The woman who later went to England to pursue a career in nursing is still traumatised all these years later. She’s vowed to trace the nun at the heart of this abuse and confront her.